Serious Meat at Theresa – Munich, Germany

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Theresa is a bustling trendy steak house on theressienstrasse in Munich. For a high-end restaurant the vibe was comfortable and I really felt at home there. I mean, there is a bowling alley in the basement. The restaurant was full and everyone looked like they were having fun, I know I was.

The menu changes regularly and features meat from Spain and Germany served medium with herb-butter. You can choose your meat table side or off the menu starting from 150 grams and up. Below is what 250 grams looks like.

Theresa Restaurant FiletThe Iberico from Spain prepared in a dark beer and mustard marinade with an apple potato and asparagus salad was delicious. The rich nutty flavor worked well with the sweetness of the apple and fresh crunch of the asparagus.

Theresa Restaurant IbericoIf meat isn’t your thing there are fish options as well as plenty of sides like this huge baked potato:

Restaurant Baked PotatoLast but not least the Theresa Rose: mango, pink grapefruit and prosecco.

Theresa RoseTheresa is a great place for friends, family and a double date. Prices are on the higher end so you might want to save it for a special occasion. Another option is to go for brunch and head out to the museums nearby for fun tourist day in Munich.

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